Let's get something clear. I'm not really "angry" or a "hipster," though I've been called both. I probably just complain too much and like fashion and indie music and wear skinny jeans. But for the past 10 months and 4 days my friends have had to endure my complaining about online-dating in San Francisco. If that doesn't scream "angry hipster" I don't know what else does.
San Francisco is apparently the best place to live for singles and the biggest home to online dating. I have only lived here for a little over a year and I was very quick to join the online dating bandwagon since I literally only knew my roommate, who got back together with her boyfriend as soon as we moved into our little Victorian-era apartment. My "Sex and the City" dreams dashed, I turned to the one place I knew best: the internet.
At the ripe old age of 24, I had never really dated. Unless you count making out with randoms in Europe and college friends, which I certainly don't count. I was extremely shy in high school, in love with my gay best friend through half of college, then lived with my parents for a year and a half after graduation. Thus summing up why I have a history of being very bad at meeting boys. I am also picky and have stuck with the same group of friends for years, so there is not a lot of going out and meeting people. Its just not one of my skills. But with the internet you don't really have to meet anyone. You have time to formulate sentences and think of witty things to say. You have the freedom of looking at cute boys without the awkward flirting and making eyes across a sticky bar. As oxymoronic as it sounds, the internet was the perfect place for me to meet someone without actually meeting them.
So last summer I signed up for a couple dating sites (eharmony, match.com, chemistry.com), the only ones I had heard of. I was unwilling to pay $60 for eharmony, though the creator graduated from my alma mater. Actually I would like nothing more than to not have anything to do with my alma mater again as since moving to probably the most liberal city in the country, judgement has been passed upon me millions of times for it. Plus they only have hetero dating, and while I'm not gay, I don't really want to associate with a company that doesn't support homosexual lifestyles. Also, I couldn't see any profile pictures without signing up (I went through reading one guy's profile until I got to the end where he stated "I tried to make it clear in my pictures that I use an electric wheelchair..." FAIL.) Chemistry.com had really creepy logic test to find your matches and I couldn't find one cute person on it. So I ended up signing up for match.com. For $29 the world was my oyster. For one month.
After perfecting and preening my profile, picking the most attractive and cute pictures of me, I was ready to jump into online-dating, taking the plunge into starting my life as an angry hipster in the city...
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